A Scrapbook from the Big Hole


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A Collection of Stories
and Photos
by Jay Nelson

Quote from back cover:
Early day life in the Big Hole Valley was rough and tumble. But also, it was not without its humor.   In “A Scrapbook from the Big Hole,” longtime rancher, Jay Nelson shares a host of tales from his childhood that crystallize just how hard life was on a remote ranch.   He also captures how resilient ranching families were, how they found humor in what they did and how they created their own entertainment in the harshest of conditions.

  His stories cover tales from the 1900s on up to present day.
Wisdom is located in the heart of the southwest Montana valley.  It is often the coldest spot in the nation both in winter and summer.
In the winter months, portions of the Big Hole River freeze over and snowfall is measured in feet, not inches.
In the summer, its fields are lush green and hundreds of cattle dot the huge ranching spreads.
Jay writes in a down-to-earth style that readers of all generations can appreciate.  His stories are downright funny, historic and full of insight into the foibles of human nature.

We hope you enjoy this collection of essays.

Weight 14.4 oz
Dimensions 9 × 0.5 × 11 in

A Collection of Stories and Photos


Beaverhead County Museum, Jay Nelson, Montana Standard. The Three Rivers Edition






Montana Standard

Year Published





Signed by Author

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