Grass Beyond the Mountains


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This true adventure story tells of the successful exploration of the unknown land beyond the formidable Itcha, Algak and Fawnie mountain ranges in the heart of the British Columbia by three men who survived an epic trek through uncharted country to open up a cast new frontier of grass. Together Rich Hobson, Panhandle Phillips and Tommy Holte conquered a wilderness as tough, as wild and as remote as the West of the early days to stake their claim to the last great cattle range on the American continent. Over the mountain passes through the jack-pine forests, along the gray muskegs they rode their sturdy horses, the other heres of this dramatic story, carrying tremendous loads of equipment under killing conditions. There were Nimpo, “the horse who wouldn’t die,” and Stuyve, Buck, Old Joe, The Piledriver, Big George, Little Roanie, The Spider and Old Scabby White. The book is dedicated to these courageous animals, who made possible the founding of what is now the Frontier Cattle company, an enterprise counting its acres in the millions. This is not only an extraordinary story of pioneer exploration, but a story told by a natural writer who uses the Western idiom to great effect. He describes with picturesque humor the fabulous characters that people the frontier and the many homely, gay and tragic incidents that accompanied an adventure rivaling the great true stories of our frontiers hundreds of years ago — Book jacket.

SKU: 9780771041709
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Weight 7 oz
Dimensions 6.75 × 4.25 × 1 in

Discovering the Last Great Cattle Frontier on the North American Continent


Richmond Pearson Hobson







Year Published




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